Air conditioners perform different purposes which is why it is an extremely important appliance in the home or workplace. A properly fitted and maintained AC system will allow you to have a proper HVAC system. Air conditioning efficacy is important for numerous reasons. Most of the AC plant work at 85% which is below optimum efficiency level. Installing a high-efficiency air conditioning system in your home can considerably reduce your cooling expenses and your home’s impact on the environment.
Benefits of Efficient AC system
The benefits of today’s modern efficient AC system include:
- An average American household spent over $2,000 a year on energy costs and half of those expenses go to HVAC systems. Inefficient AC units come with repairs, difficult to find parts and insufficient cooling. Units which are certified are budget-friendly and provide relief during summers.
- Efficient AC system is also better for the environment. An old AC unit produces greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming. Switch to energy efficient options and do your part to help the planet.
- Efficient AC system includes features such as temperature control and programmable thermostats. These manage the usage and cooling cost and improve comfort. Most of the programmable thermostats come with smartphone apps which allows you to turn on the AC before you get home.
How To Measure AC Efficiency
There are two ways to measure how efficient your home’s AC system:
- Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER): SEER measure the complete cooling period of how well the machine transforms the electricity into cooling capability. Greater numbers mean that AC is working at higher efficiency. It is important to find numbers above the federal minimum of 13, with Energy-Star categorized model above 14.5. Greater energy efficiency models normally start at SEET 16. For windows and through-the-wall models, Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) offers a similar scale with least of 9.8 EER.
- Compare Electricity Bills: The other ways is to measure your energy bills against the cooling degree days. The cooling degree days tell you how often and for how long, you perhaps need to run the AC. You will find theses figure on your energy bill. A day with a regular temperature of 85 degrees equals 20 cooling degree days.
Ways to Boost AC Efficiency
There are ways that can help you to boost your AC efficiency which include:
- Repair Ductwork: Your ductwork is responsible to deliver the cool air throughout your home. If your ductwork has a leak, you could be losing sufficient cool air.
- Seal Doors and Windows: The more air which escapes your home, the harder it is for your AC to work and maintain a constant temperature.
- Install Additional Insulation: You can also install additional insulation ad it is a great way which prevents warm air from infiltrating your home.
- Keep up with filter changes: Again, maximum airflow means maximum efficiency. A dirty filter cannot only reduce indoor air quality, but it can also decrease airflow and make your air conditioner’s job harder.